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Archive for the ‘must show Russian passports’ Category

>Tax Exempt Terrorism–Islamist Infiltration
by Don White

Even the blind can see that Saudi-backed Islamists have gotten into U.S. charitable groups by masquerading as philanthropists. Anti-terror experts tell us that religious charities provide the perfect cover for their terror-supporting activities.

These Muslim groups not only enjoy tax-exempt status, but their reputations as charities and foundations often allow them to escape scrutiny making it easier to hide and move their funds to other groups and individuals who threaten national security.

This didn’t just happen. Long ago Islamists came to America with the goal of undermining America via tax-free support for the machinery of terrorism. A document seized last decade in a raid of al-Arian’s home bears that out. Translated from Arabic, “The Charter,” as it is called, provides for an “Organization/Law Studies Section:” whose job it would be to study the legal aspects of establishing charitable organizations in America that would front for jhadi operations, investigators say.

Comingling of funds is rampant. The al-Arian founded Muslim charities that co-mingled funds with the Saudi-backed Safia group of charities in Virginia is a glaring example of this. Investigators say the charities have availed themselves of the advantage of exemption from federal income tax while abusing the requirements for tax-exempt status to avoid scrutiny of terror-tied financial transactions and associations.

The Saudis who hold all the oil cards in America also have more cash than most larger countries–certainly enough to influence more than one past president and current elected officials. The kingdom is the major source of funding for the terror support syndicate in America. When its leaders get in trouble, the Saudis are ready to provide legal aid and public relations assistance. They have a powerful friend in the Saudi ambassador in Washington–and it doesn’t matter which year and which ambassador–that’s one of their mandates. Some believe it only takes this man one phone call to make investigations go away. When will we learn the truth about this underground, jhadi plan to thwart legitimate goals of America and, in fact, to bring down our country.

When we finally learn more of the current U.S. bank meltdown, I predict we will find that it was, in fact, the kingdom that caused our soaring gas prices and world oil prices to rise to indecent levels. It will be shown that the king is working overtime to weaken us first financially–which he has accomplished–and at the same time undermine our ability to defend ourselves. It was only months ago that President Bush sold the Saudis $20 billion in sophisticated warplanes and related technical equipment. It is hard for me to believe that he isn’t planning to use this against our most staunch ally, Israel.

Politics in the Mideast are difficult and complicated. On the outside, one should believe that the Saudis do not want to see Ahmadinejad and Iran build nuclear bombs. But if he thinks the U.S. is going to be strong enough to bomb Iran and participate in three wars (Iraq, Afghanstan, and Iran)–all at the same time–he is kidding himself.

This is something Iran is counting on and they revel in using our financial troubles and the oil embroglio to camouflage their bomb building activities. While Ahmadinejad was in New York, Barak Obama’s national fund raiser feted this Mideast tyrant with a special reception and dinner usually reserved for friends and allies.

Such treachery from our own people! Or were they trying to pry political donations from him, which is typical Obama. There was a time that that would be grounds to jail such criminals.

What will it be like when Obama is running this country? He lies when he states he would have preconditions and preparation to any meetings with this little dictator from Iran. In fact, while Ahmadinejad was in New York this week, not only his own security guards kept him safe, but our own CIA operatives afforded him unusual protection usually given only to friendly representatives and certainly not to a man who wants to wipe from the face of the earth–presumably with nuclear bombs–our friend and ally Israel.

Iran has large Shite populations while Saudi Araba has a large Sunni population and as we discovered in Iraq, they hate each other. That, and that alone, is what the U.S. Administration is counting on to play off one faction against the other and avoid a major third world war. Are we putting too much credence in these offsetting situations?

The important thing to remember in foreign affairs is that you can’t constantly court two enemies, or walk both sides of the street, and come out ahead. But that is precisely what the U.S. is doing when we help arm two arch enemies, the Saudis and Israel. But to fail to do so would create a vacuum and allow the Russians to replace us in this dangerous triangle and Vladimir Putin would like nothing better than to blackmail us with world oil supplies. If we think for one moment that because we are a free democratic nation–and each day Russia occupies Georgia is further proof that Russia is nothing more than a rogue nation of thugs–that we can rest on our “superpower pride” and holier-than-thou Christian idealogy, and on this triumphalist notion, forget it. We’ve defeated ourselves. Read more…

>Georgia Fires Away At Russia In Court


International Court Starts Criminal Condemnation Hearings Against Tsar Vladimir Putin For Invasion Into Sovereign Georgia

function getSharePasskey() { return ‘ex=1378612800&en=bae940f90a189ac4&ei=5124’;} function getShareURL() { return encodeURIComponent(‘’); } function getShareHeadline() { return encodeURIComponent(‘International Court Hears Georgian Case’); } function getShareDescription() { return encodeURIComponent(‘Georgia asked for an injunction ordering Russia to stop “terrorizing” ethnic Georgians and to allow refugees to return home. Russia asked the court to dismiss the case.’); } function getShareKeywords() { return encodeURIComponent(‘Immigration and Refugees,International Relations,Russia,Georgia (Georgian Republic),South Ossetia (Georgian Republic),Abkhazia (Georgian Republic),International Court of Justice (UN)’); } function getShareSection() { return encodeURIComponent(‘world’); } function getShareSectionDisplay() { return encodeURIComponent(‘International / Europe’); } function getShareSubSection() { return encodeURIComponent(‘europe’); } function getShareByline() { return encodeURIComponent(‘By MARLISE SIMONS’); } function getSharePubdate() { return encodeURIComponent(‘September 9, 2008’); }

PARIS — In a New York Times article, Marlise Simons describes how Georgia and Russia have carried their dispute over the breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia to the International Court of Justice. Three days of hearings began Monday over Georgia’s request for an injunction ordering Russia to stop “terrorizing” ethnic Georgians and to allow refugees to return to their homes.

Conflict in Georgia

Georgia Read complete coverage of the military conflict between Russia and Georgia in the September 8, 2008 New York Times.

In a related story, Russia today agreed to limited Russian troop pull-outs.

Georgia’s first deputy minister of justice, Tina Bujaliani, said her country was urgently turning to the court — the United Nations’ highest — “at a time of great distress in its history, a time when hundreds of thousands of its nationals are persecuted and displaced from their homes only because they are Georgians.”

Russia offered only feeble defensive arguments: the former Societs turned aggressors challenged the court’s jurisdiction and asked it to dismiss the Georgian application.

Roman Kolodkin, the legal department director at Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the judges that Georgia had provoked the current crisis last month when it began an attack to recover control of South Ossetia. He said that Russia had no choice but to become involved to prevent further deaths, and that now that the two regions were independent, Russia could not be held responsible.

That argument is about as effective as a bully who had badly beaten a smaller child saying, he spit on me so when I wouldn’t leave his back yard so I put him in the hospital.

Georgia, offering sworn witness statements and satellite images taken during the conflict, argued that ethnic Georgians still living in the breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia continued to be driven from their villages by a “systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing” organized by Russia.

If Vlad Putin is reading, he should be shaking in his boots. For it is he that is being censored by world opinion as we write. It is he who should resign his job as Prime Minister, not President Mikhail Saakashveli of Georgia.

Tsar Putin’s actions in inciting comrade Medvedev into taking over a sovereign country are serious. They are not tantamount to criminal negligence because it was intentional–it resulted in thousands of deaths, homes intentionally burned, people displaced, terrorized, and made to leave their homes and provinces for fear of their lives–all for which their is no excuse. Putin was Hitleresque. Maybe Putin believes he is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. Both were bullies.

Payam Akhavan, a lawyer representing Georgia, said a distinction should be drawn between destruction resulting from the fighting and a systematic campaign against ethnic Georgian civilians. “The satellite images showed hundreds of houses burning, houses with missing roofs,” he said in a telephone interview. “This is damage from deliberate torching, quite different from war damage.”

The commercial satellite images were analyzed by a Geneva-based United Nations agency, Unosat. Human Rights Watch, which has also looked at the images, said that destruction of five ethnic Georgian villages near the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali “was caused by intentional burning and not armed conflict.”

Mr. Akhavan said that the conflict had already displaced some 160,000 ethnic Georgians.

“The pattern is continuing, but it is done more quietly without the burning and killing but through pressuring people,” he said, citing reports that residents near Akhalgori, a Georgian town south of South Ossetia, were being told they could only stay “if they have a Russian passport.”

Georgia filed an earlier case against Russia before the same court, on Aug. 12, shortly after the conflict began, charging Moscow with racial discrimination.