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Archive for the ‘John Boehner’ Category

>Boehner Versus Obama?


John Boehner: ‘Obama Disrespectful to Me’


John Boehner thinks President Barack Obama is “engaging” and “smart” — but the speaker-elect is also still smarting over the president’s claim that he took taxpayers hostage to secure a tax break for the rich.
In an interview with Leslie Stahl of “60 Minutes” for broadcast Sunday night on CBS, Boehner said Obama showed him “disrespect” by calling him a hostage-taker.
“Excuse me, Mr. President I thought the election was over,” Boehner said, according to a transcript obtained by POLITICO. “You know, you get a lot of that heated rhetoric during an election. But now it’s time to govern.”
The relationship between the president and the incoming House speaker was  the focal point of the Sunday night piece, the most recent foray by Boehner into prime-time news.