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Archive for the ‘bold colors’ Category

>Ronald Reagan’s Nine Principles – A Code Of Conduct To Live By


The following was taken from Michael Reagan’s “The Reagan Report”
As was the case at the onset of the Reagan era in 1980, the challenges that confront us today are enormous.  When Ronald Reagan gave his stirring speech at the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City that hot August evening few realized at the time that it portended a new dawn in American politics.  Many even regretted that he wasn’t the party’s nominee to run for President.  Four years later all that changed…and so did America.  How do the “Reagan Principles” play against the scenario of America in the 21st century?  In what way can they apply to today’s events?  Michael Reagan explains them:

1)  Party Unity: How the Tea Party movement could revitalize the Republican Party – or cripple it

2)  Open Communication: How conservatives can build winning coalitions with independents and even with liberal Democrats

3)   Individual Freedom: Why those who say “the era of Reagan is over” are right – and wrong
Free Economy: Why Keynesian economics always fails – and Reaganomics works every time its tried

4)  Responsibility To The Future: What America must do to prevent the coming economic and societal meltdown, and what conservatives should look for in their next presidential candidate

5)   Applying The Reagan Ideal Of Uniting And Working Together: start by asking those in debate “how do we agree?’ and accentuate the positive

6)  Stop The Invasion Of Private Rights: stand up for your faith and the fight the notion of separation of church and state

7)  The Banner Of Bold Colors: making sure voters have a true choice by being bold and not worrying about critics

8)   Carrying A Message Like Ronald Reagan Did: Don’t demand your candidate agree on every issue with you and be united and communicate compassion

9)   Reagan’s Call To Arms: make sure you’re up on all the issues and know where your opponent stands on each of them as well

Michael Reagan has learned his lessons well from a master builder and healer.  The principles told here in The New Reagan Revolution, are not merely a diagnosis of what plagues our nation.  Rather, it is a prescription to heal America.  A process to revive our nation rooted in the words and deeds of his father.  In these pages, Reagan shares the plan his father developed over years of study, observation, reflection, and action as first governor of California and then as a two-term President.  

It was the plan Ronald Reagan announced to the country in Kansas City that he then implemented four years later as President.  It put America on course for its most prosperous era in history.  It is also a plan that has no expiration date.  It is timeless, and is absolutely applicable to 2011 as well.  If America is to reclaim its rightful place as a true world leader and power, we need the sage advice and planning of Ronald Reagan more than ever.


Michael Reagan is the eldest son of President Ronald Reagan.  He served on the board for The John Douglas French Alzheimer’s Foundation, and has authored many successful books including his bestselling autobiography, On the Outside Looking In.  He has also hosted a highly rated, nationally syndicated, radio show.  He lives with his wife and two children in California.
Jim Denney has written over eighty books and collaborated with many authors.

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