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>Chris Christie of Pennsylvania Pro Life Advocate


Charmaine Yoest 

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Bench Briefs

Wednesday, September 29, 2010Bench Briefs Forward Button

This Week’s Feature

Ballot BoxNew Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s recent decision to cut off funding toPlanned Parenthood is the latest proof that electing pro-life candidates can make a dramatic difference. With the midterm elections coming up this fall, we’ve created an online survey that enables you to show candidates just how crucial their position on life issues will be for you in the voting boothClick here to answer a few short questions on how important it is to you that elected officials stand for the unborn. We’ll post the results online to remind those running for office of the power of the pro-life vote.

On The Docket

AUL President & CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest last week praised the House Republicans’ promise in their “Pledge to America” to enshrine in permanent law the protections for the unborn that have thus far been granted on a yearly basis by the Hyde Amendment and other laws barring the use of taxpayer funds for abortion. Calling the pledge “a demonstration of real political leadership,” Dr. Yoest said, “Americans across the political spectrum do not want their tax dollars subsidizing the abortion industry. This initiative represents real common ground in defense of life.”

This week marks a tragic anniversary: ten years since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration approved the use of the abortion drug RU-486, now known more commonly by its chemical name – mifepristone. News stories marking the anniversary noted that a “pioneer” program inIowa makes the drug available without even requiring the mother of the unborn child to see a doctor. Instead, the mother communicates with a doctor via teleconference. This represents an exceptionally dangerous forgoing of medical care considering that – in addition to the death of the unborn baby – the drug can cause the mother severe complications and even death. Donna Harrison, a member of the AUL Board and President of the American Association of Pro-LifeObstetricians and Gynecologists, assailed the Iowa program as “vending-machine distribution. … that takes a cavalier attitude to a new dimension.”
 Read more at the AUL Blog.
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Bench Brief Foot Logo Our mission at Americans United for Life is to defend human life through vigorous legislative, judicial, and educational efforts, on both the state and national level.

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655 15th Street NW, Suite 410, Washington, DC 20005
ph 202.289.1478