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Archive for the ‘Oslo’ Category

>Americans Will Win Nobel In Science For Epigenome Studies


News from

September 26, 2008

Three weeks from now we’ll know; the 2008 Nobel Laureates will have been chosen in all six disciplines. So now’s the time to make your guesses, and then sit back and enjoy the thrill of the announcements with

As ever, all announcements will be broadcast live on the website (except for Peace which is announced in Oslo and for which the video footage will be available after a short delay). Each one is scheduled for a different day, so put the timetable in your diary and watch whichever ones you can. At the exact moment each announcement occurs, will be posting background information on the new Nobel Laureates and their work, including the official documentation from the Nobel Prize-Awarding Institutions. Later that same day, we’ll be posting’s own ‘speed read’ summaries of each prize.


Star Storiessrc=”http://nobelprize.orgMemory/images/newsletter/sep2008/star_teaser_nl0809.jpg” height=”85″ width=”65″ /> HOW’S YOUR MEMORY?
How many of the 2007 Nobel Laureates can you remember? Award yourself a prize if you get them a
The Nobel Prizes have rewarded many advances that revealed the secrets behind the life and death of stars, from their conception in the earliest moments of time to the exotic and spectacular explosions that end their lives billions of years later. Our brand new multimedia production, Star Stories, takes you on a journey through the Universe, helping you discover how stars are born, how they shine, and what happens when their light goes out.
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