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>This is a Great Time To Buy REOs


This is from my friend Jim Fleck who dabbles in everything:

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It’s true and I got the paperwork to share with you.
All of the properties were REO’s (bank owned properties).
I get lots of them these days. I still buy from sellers, but
the banks have so many of them, I’d be stupid to pass on

I also sold all 7 of them to investors.
I wholesaled them.
This is harder than wholesaling properties you buy from
individuals because banks aren’t as flexible and don’t
allow assignments.
Want to know one strategy to buying REO’s and wholesaling them?
Check out this 14 minute video.
You can also get a free customized gift if you watch to
the end of the video.

Stay with the video until the powerpoint starts, you’ll see
a very good training video. Plus, I’ll be expanding on how
I buy and sell so many homes in the future. My information
will build on what’s in this video.
p.s. There is an intro video, just put your name and email
address in and it sends you a link to the training video.
You can unsubscribe right after if you want, no worries, I
already put my name and email in.
You’ll also get a free gift if you watch all the way to
the end of the video.
Click Here
Future Millionaires Club
1905 Marketview Dr Suite 251
Yorkville, IL 60560