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Archive for the ‘Sotomayor’ Category

>Senator Lugar Has America and Obama All Wrong

>Senator Dick Lugar has always been a puny lunkhead, a man who thinks he is in a very delicate position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, one who knows very little about Getting America right and has no desire to do so if it exposes him to negative press.

Is it always necessary to pan America and praise Obama? No, but apparently that little gopher-man Lugar believes it is. He’s a know-nothing senator who loves notoriety — and the easiest way he can attract attention to himself, this little man from the Midwest, is to jump on the presidential bandwagon and praise Obama to the ultimate — even when he doesn’t deserve it.

Here’s what the liberal press is saying Lugar said:

Republican Lugar Says Obama’s Cairo Speech ‘Signal Achievement’

Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations AP – Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, left talks …

June 5 (Bloomberg) — Senator Richard Lugar praised President Barack Obama’s Cairo address to the Muslim world as a “signal achievement” and dismissed Republican criticism that the speech was too apologetic.

The speech was important and necessary, said Lugar, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, noting a “lack of sympathy for our country” in many Muslim nations.

“We probably as Americans need to give a lot of speeches in the Arab world,” the Indiana senator said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend. Obama’s language on Iran was tough enough and was meant to reassure Arab countries, which also are concerned about Iran’s quest to acquire nuclear weapons, Lugar said.

Still, Lugar said he doubted that Obama’s speech would have much influence on the Middle East peace process or hasten the creation of a Palestinian state.

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“It doesn’t really change materially things on the ground,” Lugar said. Neither the Israeli nor Palestinian governments are really “in the mood” to make a compromise, he said.

On a domestic issue, Lugar said federal appellate judge Sonia Sotomayor has “excellent qualifications” to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. He recalled his own support for her when she was elevated from a district court to an appellate court by then-President Bill Clinton in 1998.

The 59 Democratic senators are all expected to support her. And if the seven senators who voted for her 11 years ago don’t change their vote, she will be “confirmed fairly easily,” Lugar said.

‘Piling On’

>Common Sense From Joan Allen


Gold to crash and other issues

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 10:57 PM

As many of you know, I have never felt comfortable about buying gold. The government has confiscated it in the past and I fear could do it again, especially since this administration can’t get us to start consuming as Obama requests. I am definitely NOT recommending you sign up with this so called investor (his fees are exorbitant) but I do feel his take on this country’s financial situation is pretty accurate. Numerous ads are telling us we are headed for inflation and we must buy gold as a hedge. Lately my gut has been saying we are in a deflation/depression. This report confirms my feelings.

Other reports I have read state the bailout money the banks received is being used to buy Treasuries to cover the banks derivative spending debts, mortgage bankruptcies etc. They are not lending to people who want to buy homes, partially because of all the layoffs coupled with not knowing if the prospective buyer will have a job in the near future. The banks see more trouble ahead and will not take chances.

Obama has been spending these last four months trying to make good on his campaign promises. His first priority is to pay back unions and others who contributed to his campaign. The unions made out big on this GM bankruptcy where the bond holders lost big time. Some of those bond holders were investment groups who are managing your and our retirement funds. (The government has stated it is considering confiscating 401Ks and other retirement savings and converting them to the defunct Social Security Fund.) These are some of the sacrifices he wants us to make.

Obama has told congress he wants Universal Health Care passed by August. There are no plans drawn up as to how this will be run. But he has stated that if the balance in congress should shift after the congressional elections next year, this may be a dead issue. Folks, this is rationed health care. The government is NOT interested in your receiving better health care, but having total control over you and me. This plan is great for children and young couples but as one starts to reach middle age, and certainly those who are retired, services are cut off. It is all about money and their budget. If the government can’t keep the post office solvent how does one expect them to run health care??? Example: a surgeon is told he can perform 10 appendectomies this month. He has 5 children, 8 under 45, 5 between 45 and 65, 3 retirees around 65 and 4 around 80. The last 7 are no longer paying into the system so they definitely will be bumped. I’ll let you figure out what the choice would be BASED ON ECONOMICS, NOT HEALTH. When we lived down state in the 80’s, I attended the seniors community bridge game twice a month with my mother. During the winter months our numbers swelled due to the influx of Canadians and Brits who could not get health care in their countries and would spend the winters and their saving in the US to be treated. These countries are begging us to not go universal. They know what it is like. They will have no place to go.

Then there are those who might be planning to be doctors. Why would they? All that time, money etc only to be given a cookie cutter list of what to prescribe for each illness IF the patient is eligible. In countries that have socialized med, retirees are given a euthanasia pill to take if their pain becomes intolerable. It is more cost effective then spending large sums of money for the drugs or surgery that may help them. There will be NO doctors outside of the system. Their salaries will be capped, their initiative stymied. They would probably make more money as a plumber. (The gov’t will tell them how much they can earn also. That is what they do in socialist countries, which we are fast becoming.) We have the best health care system in the world and the government wants to destroy it. Research will halt as there will be no money to fund it.

While I am on my soap box, let me bring up another point, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Obama wants a judge with empathy. The constitution bugs Obama and gets in his way. A judge who rules on empathy will bend the laws we have on the books. The cases she has ruled on have been appealed to the supreme court and overturned 60% of the time. A recent case she ruled on is expected to be overturned momentarily. It is the firefighters case. Firefighters took a standard test used by many states and if passed would make them eligible for promotion. There were 8 whites, 1 Latino and 2 blacks. One white suffered from dyslexia and hired a tutor to help him study for the test. The whites and Latino passed but the two blacks did not. Judge Sotomayor ruled the test invalid because of race. That meant none of those who passed were eligible for promotion. They have appealed to the supreme court which is expected to rule in their favor. REMEMBER, A SUPREME COURT JUDGE IS A LIFE LONG APPOINTMENT AND Judge Sotomayor IS YOUNG. ALSO, THE SUPREME COURT IS THE LAST STOP. THEIR RULING IS FINAL AND THERE IS NO APPEAL.

Then there is CAP AND TRADE. This is nothing more than a huge tax which will ultimately be born by everyone. Utilities have been predicted to go up at least by half. It is based on Al Gores skewed testing (equipment placed near paved parking lots etc) to try to prove the case for global warming. World wide award winning scientists met in NY in March and declared there is no evidence of global warming. In fact we are actually in a cooling trend. But Gore, GE and other industries plan to make tons of money from this scheme. When I wrote my senator to vote no, he replied he was going to support it because we needed to reduce our dependency on foreign oil through alternative methods. I wrote back that we are sitting on tons of our own oil and gas and to start drilling as well as doing research. Did you hear Obama saying it is OK for Iran to continue nuclear research as they needed it for energy. With all that oil they need nuclear energy??? Do they think we are stupid or what! And Obama does not want US to use nuclear.

Tonights news mentioned the vote for Card Check is still out there. Union bosses want to do away with secret ballots. Union members don’t want to have to sign a petition with someone standing there intimidating and watching how they vote. But this seems to be the season to do whatever the union bosses want. Pay back time.

Obama says we all have to sacrifice. May I suggest we give up some of our TV and other pleasures to becoming more informed about this fast moving congress and writing to tell them firmly, but politely how we feel about these issues. If we take the attitude it is useless, we have in effect signed on to all of the above. Obama put short deadlines on when he wants these bills past to the point some of the legislators don’t even read the bills. Enlighten them. Stay on top of the issues and write often.

Couple of tips. When you get on their contact site, you will need to write you name, address etc. Then you select the subject and then write your comments in the box provided. If you write your comments ahead of time on your word processor, save it to a folder (politics) then you can copy and paste it into the box. After you hit send, there will be a thank you notice so you know you have sent it. Use your back button, go to your politics folder and copy your next topic you want to address. Choose a new subject, delete the issue in the box and copy and paste this new issue there and send. Repeat the process with all of the issues you have previously typed and saved in your politics folder. This way you do not have to keep typing your name, address etc over and over again. Now go on to your second senator and do the same. You might have to change a word or two when you send to your representative. Instead of having to write your own comments, you might find an article on the subject you agree with. Copy and paste it into your word document and then alter it to fit your views. Then copy and paste it as above.

There are numerous sites on the internet, talk radio and Fox News to keep you informed. Even government sites to read the bills and to find how your legislators have voted. Invite your friends and neighbors over to discuss the topics and the many well documented books that have been written recently. I particularly like Mark Levin’s ‘Liberty and Tyranny’… a contrast between what we have and what those who want to control us are striving for. More Tea Parties coming up over July 4th where there will be plenty of info you can come away with. BECOME INFORMED AND WRITE YOUR LEGISLATORS! There will be an election next year and some are having second thoughts when enough of their constituents disagree with them. Harry Reid is nervous. Let’s hope Nevada gets out there and defeats him!

The book ‘The 5000 Year Leap’ by W.Cleon Skousan was written about 25 years ago. It has sold more copies in the last four months than it did the last 25 years total. An in depth book on the struggles and deep responsibility the framers felt in drafting our constitution.

>I Commented On Charles Krauthammer’s Sotomayor Op Ed


dusanotes wrote (that’s me, Don White):
Charles Krauthammer is right. Leave empathy at the courthouse steps. Justice does — or should — wear a blindfold. “Richness of her ( Judge Sonja Sotomayor’s) experience” is subjective. We all feel we were denied something growing up. Especially those of us born during the depression as I was. But it is not cause to win lawsuits, for colleges to lower entrance standards, or for Democrats to love Judge Sotomayor and forget truth, logic, and the Constitution so we can have our first Latina Supreme Court jurist. We’ve got our first black president and look what he has done in the name of leveling the playing field — he’s almost “flattened” this country so that it may never be the prosperous land of the free Most Americans were born into. The new Value Added Tax (VAT) Obama and the Demos are foisting on all — poor and rich alike without proper debate — will make us look more like socialist Europe and one step closer to third world status and efficiency.

Here is the well-reasoned Krauthammer article in part:

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Sotomayor: Rebut, Then Confirm

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor has a classic American story. So does Frank Ricci.

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Ricci is a New Haven firefighter stationed seven blocks from where Sotomayor went to law school (Yale). Raised in blue-collar Wallingford, Conn., Ricci struggled as a C and D student in public schools ill-prepared to address his serious learning disabilities. Nonetheless he persevered, becoming a junior firefighter and Connecticut’s youngest certified EMT.
After studying fire science at a community college, he became a New Haven “truckie,” the guy who puts up ladders and breaks holes in burning buildings. When his department announced exams for promotions, he spent $1,000 on books, quit his second job so he could study eight to 13 hours a day and, because of his dyslexia, hired someone to read him the material.

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He placed sixth on the lieutenant’s exam, which qualified him for promotion. Except that the exams were thrown out by the city, and all promotions denied, because no blacks had scored high enough to be promoted.
Ricci (with 19 others) sued. Read the rest of this great Op Ed.

>Reverse Discrimination Is As Wrong As Discrimination

>I commented about George’s Will’s op-ed piece in this morning’s Washignton Post. I said Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonja Sotomayor will not be a strict constructionist in her rulings. In fact, she won’t even take the Constitution into account from all I read. She will make it up as she goes because she and Obama want to weave into our lifestyles some of that good old poverty and suffering these far left liberals want to foist on Americans because they like to bring up their lurid past.

There are millions of us who suffered from poverty and discrimination while we were growing up, but we don’t wail about it today. We let bygones be bygones and look forward to better things.

Not the far left. They want everyone to suffer as they think they did, when in reality they know nothing of suffering. From what I read, the newest member of the Court will be a loud-mouthed raving liberal from New York near Yankee Stadium who had a great bringing up by a loving mother who worked six days a week so that she could spend her time studying, then going to the best schools such as Princeton and becoming an attorney when her father only had a third-grade education. That’s a touching story and I respect it. But it should not be the basis on which America builds its future.

I had a similar beginning, but I don’t go around dredging up past feelings. It’s not healthy. Let bygones be bygones and go on and discover new things, enjoying every hour God gives us on this planet.

I made a comment under George Will’s op-ed piece in this morning’s Washington Post. Go to that story in my blog “Discrimination” now. The story is about Reverse Discrimination.

>Reverse Discrimination: About Time For Some Justice and Sonja Sotomayor Won’t Bring That

>Reverse discrimination is what Sonja Sotomayor is about.

She discriminated over those dozen or so white (one Latin) firemen who passed all the tests for administrative promotions and were refused. This is outrageous and, alone, should be cause for the U.S. Senate to reject this Obama nominee.

When the firemen went into Judge Sotomayor’s appeals court, she turned them down because there weren’t any black men in that group.

That’s reverse discrimination of the worst kind. When people are prepared, pass a test, and meet every requirement including having the necessary time in position, they should get the promotion regardless of skin color. Most blacks agree with that statement. Discrimination is not the job of the court.

It’s been too long since the Civil War for the U.S. to still be discriminating against white folks just to salve the injustices of the past. All of those people have long since passed on, and you can’t take care of them in their graves.

How long must we put up with this kind of injustice? Well, Barak Obama believes we white people haven’t suffered long enough because now he’s nominated a Latino who is going to rule just as he would if he were on the Supreme Court. George Will wrote about this nominee, Sonja Sotomayor, in this morning’s Washington Post. I wrote a comment, which I’m including below along with several other comments.


dusanotes wrote:
Will’s third graph stops me cold. In their search for how the nominee will rule, Senators must discuss her desire to interpret the Constitution – strictly or loosely – and I think we know that answer.That must include jurisprudential unless we’re no longer a common law country. Doesn’t precedent mean anything? What are senators supposed to do, ask her how the Yankees did last night? No judge should be approved who is there to write new law.Congress does that. To merely judge by asking yourself what’s right and letting the law play catch up is wrong. May as well restrict nominees to members of the clergy. Sotomayor already thinks the High Court’s job is “policy making.”
5/27/2009 8:48:22 AM

Csmith5 wrote:
Yes George Will is a conservative, but he calls it like it is. When Bush nominated Harriett Myers for the SC, he wrote:

I wonder if we will read any op-eds from liberals criticizing Sotomayor’s judical activism or racism from the bench. Doubt it!!! Also, since some of you posters believe the U.S. is no longer a white christian country, can white males get away with making racist comments and use our status as a minority to get away with it, like so many other minorities have in the past? Can we receive some affirmative action? Me personally, I would love the opportunity to become an 8(a) business.

5/27/2009 8:46:37 AM

Georgia10 wrote:
At one time I thought that George Will’s historical references were meaningful. They were certainly amusing diversions. But now it clear that these are just a writer’s technique for avoiding inconvenient facts (for example, Judge Sotomayor’s exceedingly moderate record overall or God forbid, climate change) that might cause an intellectually honest writer to reach different conclusions. Mr. Will you have become sadly irrelevant. Perhaps it is time to concentrate solely on baseball.
5/27/2009 8:46:09 AM

jaysit wrote:
Not unexpectedly, Will shrieks on about “identity” justice, as if “identity politics” only raises its head when minorities or women are involved, and that somehow white men exist in a realm where only pure rule of reason applies. Poppycock. Will lives in a world where to be white is to be the normative, and where everything else is the exotic suspect (in Will’s own bubble, that normative is further restricted to”conservative white male). Is it no wonder that he makes the foolish “what-if” comparison between Sottomayor and Alito. I would reckon that Samuel Alito would need no reason to articulate that his decision-making stems in part from his perspective as a white male (a conservative, Christian with a capital “C,” white male no less). Why would he when Will and much of American society see that as the normative standard? Sottomayor’s only sin here is that of honesty. She knows that ethnicity, gender, race, experience, socio-economic background and, yes, religion affect the way we view the world. Its a pity that Will can’t accept that his own background and sum of his own experiences color his own perspective too. He’d also be advised to look at the record of Scalia who, in spite of the textualist babble he wraps himself in, brings the reasoning and sense of justice of a conservative, Catholic, white male. There is nothing wrong per se to this reality. However, its time that Will and his ilk recognize that they too are perpetrators of the same crimes they accuse others who aren’t of their “tribe.”
5/27/2009 8:45:20 AM

“Take a moment to explain why white men are the problem?”

With pleasure.

Because for 240+ years up to and including today, old rich white men have owned the vast majority of resources, both in America and abroad. That’s who made the decisions regarding those resources, and more importantly, created the power structures – those I mentioned and others – to preserve those power structures. It was rich white men who have, for the last 500 years at least, plundered the rest of the world including this country. That’s an irrefutable fact. Ask a Native American…if you can find one, that is. Ask an unemployed African American male descended from stolen slave labor who can’t get a job because he has a non-violent felony drug conviction on his record. Ask a poor white person who owns the factory from which he just got laid off. Ask anyone other than a rich white man above his or her experience in America, and I guarantee you the stories you hear are not what you learned in class or see in the so-called “liberal” media.

I also have no guilt. I’m descended from a signer of the Declaration of Independence (Dr. Benjamin Rush of Philadelphia), Scots-Irish hillbillies of Appalachia, and German and Irish immigrants who mined the coal, farmed the food, drove the trucks, fought the wars, fixed and built the mansions, roads and railroads that allowed rich white men to be where they are today.

It’s not guilt upon which my opinions and observations are founded. It’s the vivid 250-year experience of my ancestors and extended family – and the millions of others just like it – that has brought me to my conclusions. It’s reading history, and not just that presented by rich white men’s power structures. It’s getting out and seeing the rest of the world and listening to what people other than the white moneyed elite think about America and what it means to be American.

Turn off Rush, Hannity and Faux News and open your eyes to the 90% of history and reality you’re willingly disregarding so as to avoid testing the hypotheses that someone else has spoon-fed to you in order to preserve his/her their power and privilege. Leave the comfort of your upper-class suburban/exurban enclave or gated community and get out there to see with your own eyes what has happened and is happening in this country and why.

In other words, wake up.

5/27/2009 8:44:04 AM

Tell us, Mr. Will: Do your GOP talking points arrive each morning with a check? Or are you on a monthly Repuglican stipend?
5/27/2009 8:42:01 AM

George Will, you forget that the conservative justices never side with the individual over the corporation or the defendent over the prosecutor – never. Isn’t this just a different side of the same coin you are accusing the liberals of? I am not a journalist so I only have a personel interest in the truth – you however should have a public responsibility for the truth – a responsibility you seem to ignore consistently. Your truth seems one-sided and only black and white. No grey allowed or desired. It is this authoritarian absolutism that has caused conservatives to be thought of as intellectually bankrupt. If you are unable to understand why it is important for a supreme court nominee to have experiences outside yours then you are as devoid of any true reasoning. Your little history lessons are amusing, do the same research on the reasons for Sotomayor’s ruling in the 2nd circuit (precedence), report it factually and apologize for your misleading all of your readers.

Look into the context of Sotomayor’s “racial” speech with as much zeal as you looked into your history lesson and you may find that a quote taken out of context is misleading your readers.

I love your work on baseball and you are a wonderful historian but it seems to me you have let your conservative beliefs and priveledged upbringing blind you to seeing both sides of issues.

5/27/2009 8:33:44 AM

swanieaz wrote:
Now, if only you would pull the wool from over your eyes.

That wool, is your biased, bigoted, pejorative, condescending way you write – if you call it that!

Go back to jeans ! ! !


5/27/2009 8:33:43 AM

razzl wrote:
Ho hum, another day, another attempt to write an essay around some esoteric old-school movement conservative’s doctrinaire point. If movement conservatives were never willing to admit the validity of taking measures to relieve discrimination against racial, ethnic, or religious minorities when such discrimination was demonstrably systematic and crushing, then why should we worry about Will’s timeline for ending antidiscrimination measures? Those who fended off correcting the wrongs of the past are not at the head of the line to be listened to in the future…
5/27/2009 8:32:37 AM

jsc173 wrote:
Let’s face it. The Democrat party decided years ago that the most reliable, consistent approach to changing policy was control of the federal judiciary.

Presidents can only rule for 8 years. Members of Congress and Senators can rule indefinitely but run the risk of being fired every 2 to 6 years.

Judges, however, are there for life and salting the judiciary with judges who have a predisposition (uh, some would call it a bias) to view certain issues in a manner that runs counter to current judicial opinion can result in change over time.

The legislative process is now too slow and too burdened with back scratching, earmarking and other nasty little unpleasantries.

It’s so much easier to be able to control a handful of important appellate court seats, especially the Supreme Court, if you want to advance your political views.

5/27/2009 8:30:30 AM

Bugs222 wrote:
Will parrots standard GOPosaur talking points. As if the decisions rendered by white guys on the Supreme Court are somehow “objective” and not informed by their life experience. Well, here’s one white dude who is DELIGHTED with Obama’s pick of Sotomayor.
5/27/2009 8:30:14 AM

wdjrel wrote:
This kind of identity based appointment is exactly what I expected from Obama. He is an ACLU Democrat. All the words they use, like the rule of law, is double speak. They are interested only in getting even. I don’t even understand why they go to law school since their goal is to destroy the constitution and replace it with themselves.
5/27/2009 8:29:14 AM

Is it that big of a deal for us to have a few women on the court, and a few more people with dark skin? Are white conservative men the only humans who can dispense justice in this nation?
5/27/2009 8:25:37 AM

klcscott wrote:
“…and members of a particular category can be represented — understood, empathized with — only by persons of the same identity.”

Of course, to support this preconception, Mr. Will must ignore that in the same speech, Ms. Sotomayer went on to say:

“We should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group.”

In all fairness, I don’t think George is being so much dishonest, as he is just being lazy, again.

5/27/2009 8:22:33 AM

jjhare wrote:
Weak sauce, Will. What happened to deferring to the Presidents’ wisdom on these decisions? Wasn’t that the whole “elections have consequences” bit?
5/27/2009 8:20:47 AM

longbow651 wrote:
Americanitis wrote:

People like George Will make me laugh. He – like other conservative white males his age – thinks that the country belongs to white christian men of capital….”


A little reverse bigotry from a guilt ridden member of the majority. You seem to have the problem worked out to your satisfaction. I agree the corporate and government minds are not up to par but what I have problem with is your rationale for the reasons. Take a moment to explain why white men are the problem?

5/27/2009 8:19:01 AM

Psalm9_17 wrote:
Why do conservative judges always have to swear that they are unbiased, yet liberal judges while openly biased and praised for it in the mainstream media? Never trust the mainstream liberal media and the judges they support.
5/27/2009 8:18:44 AM

pihto999 wrote:
ull disclosure – I’m a 31-year-old white male. And I for one think that old white men like George have screwed up America quite enough, thank you very much.


Maybe you need to look around, countries not govened by white males. Like Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Kim of North Korea, Chavez of Venezuela. What are other better choices in you racist book?
5/27/2009 8:16:51 AM

pihto999 wrote:
Listen to libtards! They keep talking about what ethnic and religious background the Justices have, NOT how they judge or what their judicial convictions are! Thanks for proving WIll’s point :


And like conventional liberals, she embraces identity politics, including the idea of categorical representation: A person is what his or her race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference is, and members of a particular category can be represented — understood, empathized with — only by persons of the same identity


So much for colorblind society! Libs are patronizing racists
5/27/2009 8:11:35 AM

On the surface, Sotomayer looks like an excellent choice; she has great credentials and experiences. However, if the Supreme Court overturns her decision in the New Haven firefighters case for the reasons stated in this article, then Sotomayer is a dangerous activist making social policy from the bench and then it is no wonder that Obama selected her. This needs further investigation but in the end, it is highly unlikely she will be blocked from appoinment. the Reubicans don’t have the votes. Also, the Republicans don’t want to alienate the Hispanic community, ost of whom will not care about Sotomayer’s social activism compared to getting an hispanic on the Supreme Court.
5/27/2009 8:09:08 AM