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>What’s a Government Stamp of Approval?


The Wall Street Journal Online - Real Estate Update Email
Online Journal E-Mail Center
June 17, 2009 — 11:00 a.m.

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Condos Vie for U.S. Seal of Approval

A glut of new condominiums has prompted developers to use new marketing ploys to sell their units. One popular move: get a government stamp of approval for the entire building.

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A Castle in the Berkshires

Designed by Stanford White at the end of the nineteenth century for the widow of a railroad tycoon, this home on 64 acres is listed at $12.5 million.

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For a Green Thumb, Just Add Water

New “EZ” gardening products target first-time growers who want their own fresh food but don’t have the time — or desire — to toil away cultivating soil, weeding and fertilizing.

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Single-Family Home Starts Jump Again

Home construction rose 17.2% in May, with single-family starts up a third-straight month. Industrial output and producer prices fell.

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Lehman Property Boss Returns

Mark Walsh, the executive who loaded Lehman with toxic property investments, is part of a group that will take over the bankrupt firm’s real-estate private-equity arm.

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Warnings Preceded Lender’s Fall

Federal regulators repeatedly expressed concern with Downey Financial’s risk management and high concentration of risky mortgage loans before the bank’s failure.

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Home-Builder Confidence Falls

Confidence faltered in June among U.S. home builders, who were left uneasy by a rise in mortgage rates.

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Mortgages Climb Past 5.5%

Home-mortgage rates took another leap this week, bringing the average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage to its highest in seven months, Freddie Mac reported Thursday.

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Freddie’s Interim CEO Tries to Shed Job

John Koskinen has helped salvage a bankrupt railroad and owned an unprofitable soccer team. Now, he is running Freddie Mac and trying to find a new CEO and finance chief.

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Apartments in Hesse’s Home

Two apartments in the house where Hermann Hesse wrote some of his novels are for sale. Plus, James Schamus wants Hollywood to keep Ingmar Bergman?s estate as a film center. | Photos

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The new owners of Michael Jackson’s Neverland Valley Ranch hope the property…




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I’m writing this email to express my gratitude. I initially came across your site back in April of this year when we were actually trying, without the knowledge of the book, to do some of the things you suggest. I felt so tired and disgusted, my husband and I had no confidence in anything we were doing. Your book energized us, gave us new hope in ourselves. I can recommend the book to anyone who wants to sell a house now! The Selling Houses Fast ebook saved us.”
D. R., Topeka

I read it and applied the concepts and within weeks, we had a good offer.
H.K., Park City

I am happy to report that with much patience, faith, and toughing it out we have put our house together and when we were through even my neighbor said she would buy the book— and maybe even the house in a heart beat if she could.
M. V., Orlando

Thank you for your book!
Ever grateful, sold and satisfied.
M.G., Cincinnati

This book is for you if …
you are feeling despondent over what’s happened to the economy and need to move to create a better situation like we did . . .
V. M., Bradenton

My neighbor wanted to move in the worst way. They put their house up for sale, but didn’t read your book. They’ve had it on and off the market so many times no one wants to list it anymore. It’s like a dead dog. No one will go near it. I let them see your book. They’re enthused again and will buy the email version.
L.W., Fort Worth

The two most important refurbishing things you can do, about cleaning kitchens and tidying up bathrooms. You can do a lot to prepare a home for money to hire contractors. What to do? Read the book. There are special chapters
You and your spouse or lover are fighting and quarreling almost everyday over money— your mortgage payment is too high and you can’t sell the house. Read SELLING FAST. Yes, it’s about doing things to prepare the house, but it’s also about developing the right mind set to succeed too, plus chapters about mortgages and much more…

You and your spouse are facing a potential divorce over arguments about mortgage payments and money, but you truely love your spouse and want to save the marriage. SELLING FAST isn’t a marriage council book per se, but it has been known to help solve money problems associated with too much house and not enough money …

You love your house, but your family is growing and you need more space. Your lot is too small to add bedrooms, so you must sell. But it’s a soft market and houses aren’t selling. SELLING FAST has the answer… Learn how to sell your house and move into something bigger, maybe for less money, without all the heartache, fear, and pain …

You tried to sell your house and failed. People were looking for things your house lacked and you didn’t know how to begin to prepare it for sale. Don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure it out yourself. SELLING FAST has answers for you now…

You want to learn a Simple “Five Step Strategy” which always works in selling a house at the highest possible price, no matter what part of town, during housing recession or whatever…

Order Now at House ABC’s through PayPal or through

It’s also listed on under Kindle books

>SELLING FAST: We Sold Our House In One Day And You Can Too

>Dear Friend,
You can get your house ready sale without spending a fortune, but it all starts with attitude… Let’s say you’ve lived in your house 15 years and it’s run down. Are you in a very difficult financial situation that stems from over-investing in real estate? Are you right now feeling like the whole world is crushing down on you? Buy our new book—SELLING FAST and Subscribe to Don White’s
Real Estate Newsletter. Its FREE!
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SELLING FAST: We Sold Our House In One Day And You Can Too
(available exclusively as an ebook)

Listen to what the people are saying;
Selling Fast
With unmatched clarity and authority, Don and Carolyn White have written the definitive real estate book of the year. The most accessible, informed, and balanced analysis of how to sell a house in any market, SELLING FAST: We Sold Our House In One Day And You Can Too is essential reading for anyone who wants to survive, understand, and profit from their most important investment—their home.

Buyer Feedback:
“I recently bought your ebook. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for this wonderful book. I feel your book is the best and most helpful one I have ever read on selling houses and I have already referred some of my friends to your website.”
J. T., Tacoma

”I strongly believe your strategy will bring more fulfillment to anyone who wants to sell a house in this down market.
P.F. , Las Vegas

I can relate to many experiences that you so clearly described in the book. I wish I had found your book earlier in selling my home…I could have saved a lot of time and anguish.
G.S., Sacramento

Your book saved us a lot of money.
D. W., Plant City
I’m writing this email to express my gratitude. I initially came across your site back in April of this year when we were actually trying, without the knowledge of the book, to do some of the things you suggest. I felt so tired and disgusted, my husband and I had no confidence in anything we were doing. Your book energized us, gave us new hope in ourselves. I can recommend the book to anyone who wants to sell a house now! The Selling Houses Fast ebook saved us.”
D. R., Topeka

I read it and applied the concepts and within weeks, we had a good offer.
H.K., Park City

I am happy to report that with much patience, faith, and toughing it out we have put our house together and when we were through even my neighbor said she would buy the book— and maybe even the house in a heart beat if she could.
M. V., Orlando

Thank you for your book!
Ever grateful, sold and satisfied.
M.G., Cincinnati

This book is for you if …
you are feeling despondent over what’s happened to the economy and need to move to create a better situation like we did . . .
V. M., Bradenton

My neighbor wanted to move in the worst way. They put their house up for sale, but didn’t read your book. They’ve had it on and off the market so many times no one wants to list it anymore. It’s like a dead dog. No one will go near it. I let them see your book. They’re enthused again and will buy the email version.
L.W., Fort Worth

The two most important refurbishing things you can do, about cleaning kitchens and tidying up bathrooms. You can do a lot to prepare a home for money to hire contractors. What to do? Read the book. There are special chapters
You and your spouse or lover are fighting and quarreling almost everyday over money— your mortgage payment is too high and you can’t sell the house. Read SELLING FAST. Yes, it’s about doing things to prepare the house, but it’s also about developing the right mind set to succeed too, plus chapters about mortgages and much more…

You and your spouse are facing a potential divorce over arguments about mortgage payments and money, but you truely love your spouse and want to save the marriage. SELLING FAST isn’t a marriage council book per se, but it has been known to help solve money problems associated with too much house and not enough money …

You love your house, but your family is growing and you need more space. Your lot is too small to add bedrooms, so you must sell. But it’s a soft market and houses aren’t selling. SELLING FAST has the answer… Learn how to sell your house and move into something bigger, maybe for less money, without all the heartache, fear, and pain …

You tried to sell your house and failed. People were looking for things your house lacked and you didn’t know how to begin to prepare it for sale. Don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure it out yourself. SELLING FAST has answers for you now…

You want to learn a Simple “Five Step Strategy” which always works in selling a house at the highest possible price, no matter what part of town, during housing recession or whatever…

Order Now at House ABC’s through PayPal or through

It’s also listed on under Kindle books