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Archive for the ‘legal process’ Category

>Erb’s Palsy–The Stuff of Lawsuits


Erb’s Palsy Shoulder Dystocia

Birth Injury Center.

Doctors deliver nearly five

thousand children a year who

suffer from Brachial Plexus

Palsy (Erbs Palsy). In 90

of Brachial Plexus

Palsy cases, traumatic stretching

of the infant’s plexus during the

birth process causes the palsy.

Estimates suggest that one to

two out of every one thousand

births result in a brachial plexus

injury. Of those, one out of every

ten represent an injury serious

enough to require some form

of treatment. If your child

has suffered from this type

of injury, medical malpractice

may be involved. Contact us here

to discuss your possible legal options.