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Archive for the ‘Grassfire’ Category

>Stories From Affiliate Grassfire News


Candidates don’t talk about immigration
As Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain wind down their campaigns, both undoubtedly hope to escape any serious questions on illegal immigration. Without question, both surely breathed a sigh of relief last week when the final debate ended and the elephant in America’s living room had gone unmentioned. Full Report….

Chertoff finds silver lining in economy–Urges creation of worker program during decline in illegal crossings
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Thursday urged the next president to take advantage of slowing illegal immigration during the country’s economic downturn to create a temporary guest worker program. Full Report….

Obama’s ‘Redistribution’ Constitution
One of the great unappreciated stories of the past eight years is how thoroughly Senate Democrats thwarted efforts by President Bush to appoint judges to the lower federal courts. Full Report….

59% Would Vote to Replace Entire Congress
If given the chance, 59 percent of American voters said they would replace the entire Congress, and start over again. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 17% would vote to keep the current legislators in office. Full Report….

Acorn at Center of Voter Fraud and More
Guess which left-wing group is at the center of the worst case of voter-registration fraud in Washington state history? Yep, you guessed it: ACORN. The same ACORN tied to massive voter fraud in Missouri. And Ohio. And 12 other states. Full Report….

Congressional Travel Investigation
Despite tough economic times, millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent every year to send congressmen and their families to exotic locations around the world; the expeditions are called fact-finding trips. Full Report….

There’s little to show for $1.5 million spent supposedly renovation KY school
Four years after $1.5million in tax dollars were poured into renovating the old Maupin Elementary School as a community center, the building remains a boarded-up blight on the Parkland neighborhood. Full Report….

Bailout Bill Rife with “Green” Pork
Clean technology companies of all sorts are cheering the green pork that legislators added to the $700-billion Wall Street bailout bill that passed Congress last week. Extensions to tax credits for wind and solar power producers finally got their long-awaited passage, but a slate of more obscure provisions could help drive new interest in a diverse array of green businesses, including geothermal, solar thermal, tidal, and wave power, plug-in hybrid cars, and energy efficiency aids. Full Report….

Federal Spending Increases 4.4 Percent
The federal government allocated $2.56 trillion in domestic spending for fiscal year 2007, up 4.4 percent from 2006, according to the U.S. Census Bureau Full Report….

HUD: Five Million Fraudulent Mortgages Held by Illegals
Some five million fraudulent home mortgages are in the hands of illegal aliens, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Full Report….

Jailed border agents plead for new trial
With their legal options running out, two agents for the U.S. Border Patrol serving jail sentences in connection with the shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler are appealing their convictions today in federal court. Full Report….

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