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Archive for the ‘same-sex-partner-benefits’ Category

>Ben Bernanke: Stop Being Secretive! US Congress: Don’t Pass Same Sex Benefit Bill!


Washington Watch: Chaffetz: No to Same-Sex Partners Bill

Rep. Jason Chaffetz says of legislation extending employee benefits to the same-sex partners of federal workers, which was approved July 30 by a House subcommittee: “I fundamentally do not believe that we should be creating benefits like this based on sexual orientation … or lifestyle choices. The exception I obviously make is for the traditional view of marriage, which is between one man and one woman. I think what is sought in this bill is a recognition from the federal government of a certain lifestyle and orientation choices, which I cannot support.”

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Washington Watch: Hatch Asks Fed to Disclose Bailout Info

In a letter, Sen. Orrin Hatch and 10 other senators call on US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke “to make public the names of financial institutions rescued with taxpayers dollars, and how much they received.” Says the letter: “We don’t believe there is now any reason for the Federal Reserve Board to refuse to share information about the companies that were helped by its activities as well as the specific amount of such help for each company.”

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